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Temp and supply recruitment – when automation is key

No area of the recruitment and staffing industry moves faster than the temp sector.

Where candidates in permanent and executive search often take months to complete a job move, clients in the temp and supply space need qualified professionals ASAP.

The ability to move quickly and respond to client needs makes or breaks temp agencies, and those who deliver for their key customers go on to build solid, durable relationships that last many years.

Those who struggle, however, seldom get a second chance – watching promising opportunities slip by if they can’t nail delivery first time.

But working fast isn’t just about speed off the mark and having a motivated team of recruiters. There’s a secret weapon that sets winning temp agencies apart from their competition – automation.

Book a demo to discover why recruitment CRM software is perfect for your agency.

What is automation?

Automation doesn’t (yet) mean a bunch of AI robots replacing humans in the recruitment process. It means a state-of-the art technology platform that cuts out long-winded manual processes, freeing up consultants’ time to be more productive and focus on the areas of recruiting where their market knowledge and people skills add real value.

In a nutshell, automation is about taking all the repetitive, manual steps in recruitment which don’t need to be done by a human being and implementing intelligent software applications to run these processes faster and better.

Voyager Infinity is the smart CRM for permanent, temporary and contract recruitment. Check out what our Temp Planner can do in the video below!

Why does it matter?

Agencies who fail to leverage automation capabilities in their business compete with a serious handicap in the open marketplace.

The time their consultants can actually spend on recruitment is massively reduced – the rest is lost to a mind-numbing array of admin-heavy tasks – updating CRMs, moving data, formatting documents, switching between search platforms, building reports…

Consultants who are paid and incentivised to put candidates in jobs end up spending countless hours each week performing tedious interim steps that add no value to the recruitment process – manually turning the wheels of the machine.

The right automation tools lift this burden off consultants, leaving them free to focus on what they do best.

More importantly still, smart tech not only takes away the downtime of manual tasks, it gives recruiters a major competitive advantage by helping them find candidates faster and match them with jobs and clients automatically.

Book a demo to discover why recruitment CRM software is perfect for your agency.

What’s involved?

An automated recruitment software solution helps owners, managers and consultants move faster through their day.

Automation takes many forms, including:

  • Platform integration (plugging in tools such LinkedIn, Broadbean, CV-Library, social media and LogicMelon into a single connected system)
  • Process automation (CV parsing, record duplicate checking, candidate auto-matching to jobs and clients, timesheets and shift planners, attendance monitoring, skills testing)
  • Communications automation (integrated two-way SMS, Office365, Skype in a single hub)
  • Compliance automation (in-built tech compliance for GDPR, Working Time Directive, IR35 and AWR)
  • Reporting automation (intelligent dashboards and scheduled reports for owners, billing managers, branch managers and consultants)


Running a temp recruitment business on a highly automated technology base accelerates the output abilities of staff at every level. Managers have better access to key information and data for strategic decisions, while consultants can find, match, place and support candidates faster.

In a marketplace which grows more competitive by the day, automation is rapidly moving from nice-to-have to must-have status for many agencies, and it’s easy to see why!

Thanks for reading this blog. Clearly, we can’t give away all our secrets – book an online demo to find out how thousands of Temp and Perm Recruiters utilise the Voyager Infinity CRM to stay ahead of the competition.


Voyager Infinity and Voyager Mid-Office are software solutions that make Recruiters’ lives easier. Voyager Infinity is a CRM used by thousands of recruiters globally to source, nurture and maintain the relationships with their clients and candidates, and Mid-Office manages the entire Pay and Bill process (IR35 ready).

Temp and supply recruitment - when automation is key