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GDPR – Your data – It’s not actually yours!



 It’s going to be big!

Whilst it’s been great to offer advice for those looking for reassurances on what we’re doing for our customers, the GDPR ‘Recruiter awakening’ is scarily slow!


  • Many agencies could find data they’re holding falling short of the legal requirement
  • Agencies are short on time to do something about it and prepare
  • There is the potential for big fines – so you need to care
  • Agencies are likely to need to review all the data they hold
  • ‘Use it or lose it’ – literally!

I can’t see Recruiters finding too much motivation to call/email ‘old’ candidates to let them know they’ve got their information, what they do with it and what to do if they want it removing, but that is the task in hand for many. But the GDPR is much further reaching than that.

Automatically delete data when you’ve finished processing it – happy with that?

A rolling deletion feature is set to be the norm for many recruiters up and down the landscape… it’s like that bus that collects the stragglers at the back of the Marathon.

You may need permission, and to continually renew permission, to hold onto data under the GDPR, and so unless you have mitigating circumstances (like you’ve placed that person) you’ll have hard decisions to make.

Even if you don’t care about the impact of the GDPR, your MD will, and it’s likely to be him/her hitting the delete key on any data that hasn’t been properly managed – time to plan for a smart, more compliant, recruitment future?

So Paul, What does it mean for our customers?

“As a customer-centric group of businesses, it is imperative that we are able to dispel the myths surrounding the GDPR, but also support the thousands of customers who put their trust in our hands.”


Check out the GDPR Hub





Voyager Infinity and Voyager Mid-Office are software solutions that make Recruiters’ lives easier. Voyager Infinity is a CRM used by thousands of recruiters globally to source, nurture and maintain the relationships with their clients and candidates, and Mid-Office manages the entire Pay and Bill process (IR35 ready).